Happy at Work Project
Your work happiness is unique to you. You may want excitement and massive creativity while your friend might like quiet moments of deep thinking. That’s why you must create your own “Happy at Work Project.”
It may be something like…
- Keeping a journal of your positive work results.
- Creating goals and making a plan to reach them
- Compiling personal tools to help other people become happy at work
- Finding a new job that fits your strengths
The one thing you must have is consistent action. You need to devote a little time to your Happy at Work Project every single day.
The first thing you must do is understand what you want out of your career. A career infused with passion is enjoyable. You get to sink your energy into something that matters.
The way to build a “dream career” is to pursue your passions. You must know your strengths and how to apply them at your current job. If you build on what you enjoy, your skills will become more apparent to others and you can earn more leverage as a result.
Download the free 12 page workbook to help analyze your work happiness today.
“I love your Work Happy project and read “your story” several times, pinning it to my wall!”
- Karen Swim of Words For Hire
Having Fun at Work is Possible for Everyone
I’ll send you my Work Happy Now Weekly Planner that I use so you can get started on your project today. Just send me an email to karl (AT) workhappynow (DOT) com. We’ll work on our Happy at Work Projects together.
Five Guidelines for Your Happy at Work plan:
1. Create a theme because goals suck. When we create a theme, we focus on enjoying what we are presently doing not just the accomplishment.
2. Start small. Do one small thing for yourself and another person every single day.
3. Measure without rules. There are no rules to a theme, so try to see if your mood has improved by checking in once a week. If your mood is not changing – why not? What can you do to improve your plan?
4. Celebrate the results. If you notice that you are having a good day, acknowledge this and let the feeling soak in.
5. Share your happiness with others. If the plan is working then spread the love! The happier people are around you, the easier it will be for you to stay happy.
Rewrite this plan once a month. Otherwise if you keep trying to do the same stuff over and over, you’ll flat-line your growth. Your curiosity and creativity are vital to work happiness.
Tips for your Happy at Work Project
- A positive attitude will make it easier to stay inspired.
- Stay curious.
- Engage in your work. The people who find a way to immerse themselves in their work find it the results more rewarding.
- Find fun in the game. You are living in a puzzle that only you can solve. It won’t matter how cool your boss and co-workers are if you don’t find the meaning behind the tasks that you do.
- Discover beauty. There is beauty in working with others. There is beauty in the machines with which we interact. Just look at the computer. The interactions we have through email, Facebook and Twitter are amazing. Allow yourself to see the love and innovation that is exchanged on a daily basis.
- You aren’t perfect. You will have rough days at work. Just take these in stride and know that tomorrow is probably going to be better.
- No pressure. You can’t be happy all the time. If you were I would have to check your sanity. Allow for certain plans to fail. Drop the stuff that doesn’t work and let your creativity help you come up with a new method that has a better chance.
- Don’t ever stop trying to have fun at work. People may resist your efforts, but fun trumps grumpy every time. All it takes is one motivated person to change a whole organization and turn it into a fun place to work.
Download the free PDF to start your own Happy at Work Project today. Email me at karl (AT) workhappynow (DOT) com if you would like me to send you my Work Happy Now weekly planner.
My hope is that this project will help spur creative ideas to help you build the career of your dreams.
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******************************************************** This posting was made my Jim Jacobs, President & CEO of Jacobs Executive Advisors. Jim also serves as Leader of Jacobs Advisors' Insurance Practice.
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