Friday, November 11, 2011

Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar | Video on

TED - Ideas Worth Spreading

Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar

Speakers Pamela Meyer: Lie detector

Pamela Meyer thinks we’re facing a pandemic of deception, but she’s arming people with tools that can help take back the truth

Video 18:51

Why you should listen to her: . Social media expert Pamela Meyer can tell when you’re lying. If it’s not your words that give you away, it’s your posture, eyes, breathing rate, fidgets, and a host of other indicators. Worse, we are all lied to up to 200 times a day, she says, from the white lies that allow society to function smoothly to the devastating duplicities that bring down corporations and break up families.

Working with a team of researchers over several years, Meyer, who is CEO of social networking company Simpatico Networks, collected and reviewed most of the research on deception that has been published, from such fields as law-enforcement, military, psychology and espionage. She then became an expert herself, receiving advanced training in deception detection, including multiple courses of advanced training in interrogation, microexpression analysis, statement analysis, behavior and body language interpretation, and emotion recognition. Her research is synthetized in her bestselling book Liespotting. "All forms of self deception make us vulnerable to the scam, the con, the false promise, the bad hire, the unwise promotion, the faulty new product."

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