Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Seven Smokin’ Hot Buttons - Boardmember.com

Seven Smokin’ Hot Buttons - Boardmember.com

by Laura J. Finn


With economic turmoil in 2009 and many shareholder rights expected to be legislated in 2010, board members have an ever-increasing number of things to think about and plan for. Say-on-pay, majority voting, elimination of staggered boards, shareholder nomination of directors, and the trendiest word of late, risk, are examples of what’s on directors’ minds. The seven biggest worries right now? Take a look.

- Risk— Managing it, what it is and isn’t, and committees that should and shouldn’t handle it.
- The Long Arm of the Government—“Uncle Sam Wants You”—not to say the s-word
- Executive Compensation—To restructure or not to restructure?
- Economic Uncertainties & Preparing for the Future—“Cash is King”
- Shareholder Relations—Getting cozy with the activists
- Focusing on the Role of the Board—What’s my job?
- Succession Planning—Most important, often overlooked

Read full article: http://www.boardmember.com/Article_Details.aspx?id=3941&page=1#

http://dreamlearndobecome.blogspot.com This posting was made my Jim Jacobs, President & CEO of Jacobs Executive Advisors. Jim also serves as Leader of Jacobs Advisors' Insurance Practice.

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