Thursday, December 17, 2009

THE POWER OF CHOICE! - December 15, 2009 Happiness Newsletter

December 15, 2009 Happiness Newsletter

By Lionel Ketchian*

You do not have to face your problems if you learn to face your choices. That is how powerful choices are. Animals operate on instinct but we human beings have been supplied with the power of "choice." Knowing you have a choice gives you power. Its power is far more important than you may have guessed. *
Have you ever realized how powerful your ability to make a choice can be? Making a choice creates your reality. Reality can be looked at as a chain of events, a cause-effect progression. What you do in this moment, causes the action that takes place in the next moment. Another way of saying the same thing is that the next moment is the effect of the moment before it. *

We live in a cause-effect universe. An important dynamic is that we hold the power, through choice, to create more favorable effects. If you don't like what you're getting in life, change something. If you do not change something or act differently, you will end up with the same results. Albert Einstein said that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." That would be like seeing the same movie over and over again because you did not like the ending and you were hoping it would be different this time around. You must change something in order to change the outcome, because it is a cause-effect link. *

It is true that we live in a cause-effect universe. It is also true that some of us are living at the effect of everything and are thereby reacting to everything. By making the right choices we can get closer to being the cause of what we want in our world, rather than be at the mercy of the effects. The key is to come to the realization that we have the choice to decide what to do in every situation. When we exercise our choice to decide what to do in every situation, we are acting from our POWER OF CHOICE. *

When we can cause what we want to happen to become a reality, as a result of making the right choices, we create a magnet of positive events. They start flowing toward us in our life. Our ability to make the right choice in a situation optimizes our reality in the next moment. *

The next time you face a problem, ask yourself what choices you have available to you. Either mentally or with pen and paper, list all possibilities regarding your choices. Look at the two best choices in this particular situation, and then choose the best one for this moment. Once you have uncovered this choice, make that choice, go forward with it and let go of the entire situation. You have done everything you can do for now. If you find some other things you can do about it twenty minutes later, do it then. In the meantime, your power to choose has accomplished many positive things. You have now chosen not to worry about a situation, but to see what choices you have and act on them. *

When you come up against a situation that you cannot change, for example, finding out you have cancer, do not let the situation change you. If you let it change you, then you will lose your power to deal with it or improve it. The way to deal with an unchangeable or unbearable situation, is accepting it, once you have done everything possible to change it or get rid of it. The trick is in accepting it for the moment. This gives you the tremendous power and control of not being at the effect of something you do not like. *

"The next moment will come, of that you have no choice. Your choice is what you will create with that moment." This is a quote from my book Food for Thought. Some situations have no choice. Take death for instance, you have no choice regarding the fact that someday you will die. If you have no choice, then you have no problem. Not liking it makes it a problem for you. Remember that, and you will get rid of many of the problems that you may think you have. *

When you stop being at the effect of your circumstances, you begin to be at the cause of them. Without any effort you slowly dissolve the barrier that stopped you before. Your choice not to let this situation change you, works to change the situation. It is one of the laws of cause and effect. When life deals you an effect, deal with the cause, and you become a master of the situation. *

You can't choose not to make a choice. Let's say you are standing on a railroad track and the train is coming and you cannot make up your mind to move off the tracks. Can you see that fear leads you to make the wrong choices every time? When we listen to other people, and follow them, we are allowing them to make our choices for us. Do you really believe they always know what is best for you? When a doctor says you have a 30% survival rate because of the cancer they have just discovered, you allow the doctor to make the choice for your survival. Depending on the choices you make, you and you alone will determine the quality and length of your existence. *

You can choose the way you will act. You can choose what you will read, listen to, and what you will believe. You can choose what you will eat and drink, and what you will say and do. You can even choose to let go of fear, hatred, unhappiness, depression and self-pity. You can choose the best for yourself and choose the best in yourself. Finally, you can choose the best in everyone else as well. You can choose to see someone as a "teacher" rather than as an enemy. Your choice becomes your reality. Reality is the way things are! The power of choice allows us to create our best reality. God has given us the power the POWER OF CHOICE, but it is up to us to use it. The choice you are not aware of, is the choice you do not have. *

Most importantly, making the right choices leads you to peace,.a real spiritual peace, peace of mind and peace in your heart. Peace is the most important choice of all. With peace, comes a life of great abundance, a spiritually satisfying life. With peace, you have a life filled with happiness and power and control over yourself. Your next choice will create your next experience in reality. Choose well my friend! *
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*********************************************************************** This posting was made my Jim Jacobs, President & CEO of Jacobs Executive Advisors. Jim also serves as Leader of Jacobs Advisors' Insurance Practice.

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