Monday, November 21, 2011

Why you need to perform a reputation audit today - CBS News

November 17, 2011 9:48 AM
By Dave Logan


Here are the steps:
-- Make a list of people whose opinion of you matters -- from your ability to do your job, to your chances for advancement, and to your standing in the industry.
-- Schedule time with each person, saying you want to discuss something personal and important. Don't make the process a big deal. For those who want to know exactly what you're doing, you might send them the link to this blog post.
-- In each meeting, say you value the person's opinion and want to ask a question: "What's my reputation?" Make it clear you don't want to know who is saying what, and you're not asking what this person thinks. Rather, you're asking what the word on the street is about you.
-- Most people will start off positively. Try not to smile or show relief. Most people will also bring up a few negative points. Try not to seem disappointed or frustrated. Just take notes on what you hear, and say "Thank you." Don't agree or disagree with what you hear, offer a defense or an explanation. You're here to get information, and express gratitude for receiving it.
-- Be prepared for the person to ask you the same question about themselves. Have an answer ready, but don't volunteer it if the person doesn't ask.
-- At the end of the meeting, ask if you can come back with follow-up questions.
-- Repeat for the other people on your list.

About Dave Logan: Dave Logan Dave Logan is a USC faculty member, management consultant, and the best-selling author of four books including Tribal Leadership and The Three Laws of Performance. He is also Senior Partner of CultureSync, a management consulting firm, which he co-founded in 1997.

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