Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Unhappiness Conspiracy - Lionel Ketchian

Be Happy Zone October 15th, 2012

Welcome to the Happiness Zone my Extraordinary Friend!

by Lionel Ketchian

I have uncovered The Unhappiness Conspiracy! People are conspiring against you and they are engaged in a "system" that is "designed" to take your power away from you. If you like "intrigue," this story is for you! It may cause you to want to take action to change things so you can take back your power.

You may start saying, "I'm Unhappy As Hell, And I'm Not Going To Take It Any More!

The plot thickens because you are not going to believe who is behind this conspiracy. The "story" of this conspiracy will amaze you. Everything we know is part of The Unhappiness Conspiracy. Such as government, politics, wars, religion, justice, psychology, medical, news reports, businesses and advertising commercials. Without giving it much thought, you could probably add many more categories to this list.

But first you will have to understand the "arrangement" that is made against you. There is a complete "system" at work against you, and you will need to learn the "format" for the conspiracy. If you don't learn how the "scheme" works you can't get free. There really is a "method" to the madness, but you need the ability to decipher it.

The Unhappiness Conspiracy is a "pain plan." There is plenty of preparation for the "TUC." There is a complete "strategy" to make it all work out "unhappily." The "idea" has been to keep you unhappy now. For generations the "design" has been worked out and engineered by the best minds in the world. You could make a "map out" the unhappiness that has been "contrived against you!"

But did you know who the main conspirator is? I am almost afraid to tell you who it is because my life could be in danger. If I tell you who it is, do you promise to protect me? If I don't tell you, than we are all in danger. I have no choice but to tell you who the main conspirator is. I am in danger either way, but at least you will be saved from the danger that exists. Will you promise not to keep it a secret?

The Unhappiness Conspiracy is alive and well. It breeds on thoughts of fear. It maintains power by manipulating others to hand over their power by using your unhappiness as a tool of choice. The Unhappiness Conspiracy only works because people go along with it. They do this willingly because they don't know how it conspires against them. The Unhappiness Conspiracy needs the cooperation of each and every one of you. That means you...most especially you! Without you The Unhappiness Conspiracy would collapse, because the scheme would be revealed.

Do you know who the prime suspect is? Let's play CSI; lets do a Crime Scene Investigation. Okay, we have someone who is experiencing unhappiness. This is a crime and we have to get to the bottom of it to find out...who done it! When we question the suspect we find no evidence linking anyone to this unhappiness crime seen but the suspect themselves. We find that the suspect has committed the crime all by himself but why would he or she commit a crime against him or her self?

Let's investigate this further. We have a human being that wants something. They can't seem to get what they think they want at the moment. So what do they do, they commit a crime, they become unhappy! It's an open and shut case. It is the basic motive of all crimes. Who stands to gain from getting what they wanted? You do! You were the one who wanted something, or did not get something you wanted! As a result of not getting what you wanted or getting what you didn't want, you did the crime! You made yourself unhappy.

As they say, "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime." Unhappiness is a crime, and it is punishable by life. Anyone who is unhappy will be imprisoned with himself or herself for a life sentence. I know it does not seem fair, but who says life is fair for the unhappy!

So if you want to know the facts and just the facts about The Unhappiness Conspiracy. Listen closely to me...You Are The Unhappiness Conspiracy! The conspiracy is real as long as you feed it with your thoughts about the unhappiness story you keep with you always. It is time to get rid of the "story line" so you can get rid of The Unhappiness Conspiracy.

The Unhappiness Conspiracy works to keep you a prisoner of your own crime so that others can get you to do what they want you to do. Since they are unhappy as well they need you to keep them in power by giving up your power to them.

If you are ever going to be free, then you need to become aware that The Unhappiness Conspiracy is going to include you. Why do others join in The Unhappiness Conspiracy? The reason is they do not know they are responsible for doing it. They are not aware they are dong it. They do not realize the consequences of their actions. Most of all they are not conscious of being unhappy. In fact, only a happy person is conscious.

So you are under a spell of The Unhappiness Conspiracy. The real crime is that you have put yourself there. Some good news for you is that if you have put yourself there, then you can take yourself out of there. Your parents, teachers, schools, businesses, religious institutions and the world has made you think you must be unhappy to get what you want. You were happy when you were a child. Become a child again and free yourself.

Cast off the chains of illusion and crawl out of the cave of craving. It is time to stand up strong and be counted amongst the happy. As few as we are The Unhappiness Conspiracy is being threatened with extinction by the happy. The numbers of happy people are growing stronger every hour and every day. Join Us, and Become One Of The Happy Freedom Fighters Overcoming The Unhappiness Conspiracy!

There is another conspiracy that has always been in effect. When you can live simply and happily you will have everything you need and really want. Realize you have enough and you have just added more to your life. But don't be fooled into thinking I am just a dreamer. You are witnessing the birth of "The Universal Happiness Conspiracy."

"The Universal Happiness Conspiracy," is a worldwide international sweeping whole, it is entire and complete and it is present and infinite and becoming widely accepted and very common indeed! Thank God! When you are happy the universe conspires to give you what you need.

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