Thursday, July 5, 2012

ACCEPTANCE - Lionel Ketchian - July 1, 2012 Happiness Newsletter

July 1, 2012 Happiness Newsletter - Be Happy Zone
By Lionel Ketchian


It is the resistance that is causing you all the problems. . If you just accept that you feel bad right now, then you can accept your feeling without making yourself feel worse that you feel something negative.

As Eckhart Tolle wrote in his book, The Power Of Now: "By watching the mechanics of the mind, you step out of its resistance patterns, and you can then allow the present moment to be.

Accepting the way you are for right now, for this moment only, you free yourself from wanting things to be different in the future.

You can't change what has already happened to you. You can only choose to accept it. Once you accept it, you have done more to change it than you ever could do by not accepting it.

Don't try to be happy, choose it and be happy. Being happy will allow you to take control of your thinking. Being unhappy allows your thinking to take control of you. By not having control of our thinking and happiness we create our problems. By not being accepting, we allow unhappiness to step in. We cannot change this moment. Acceptance of this moment allows us to experience peace. We may not like what has happened but we can be at peace with it. This allows us the peace of mind to see what our best choices are now.

Access Article, Website And Great Content:

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