Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Authentic Power! - Happiness Newsletter

Note From Jim:

What can you do to flourish?  Lionel Ketchian always inspires.  I recommend that you subscribe to his free newsletter. In his most recent issue, Lionel comments that personal happiness is a duty, one that requires practice and discipline.   And when practice and discipline are applied to the state of happiness, the state of happiness will surely makes us authentically powerful. What does authentic power deliver? Find the answer below:


Authentic power is the power that comes from Being Happy. Being happy means realizing that you cannot be happy unless you are in control of yourself.

This power allows you to experience being stronger, smarter, freer and more comfortable and fully yourself. It allows you to take action. It is the power TO DO IT! It is A CAN DO attitude even if you think you can't. It lets you decide what is good for you. It means doing what you can, when you can, rather than waiting for someone or something to change on it's own. It is a method of taking charge of your life and being responsible for yourself. It means finding the solutions to a problem, and making the best choice now.

Authentic power means never volunteering to make yourself a victim. It means that you do not try to control other people. It means that you do not allow yourself to be forced into acting the way that others think you should act. It allows you to feel like you can change the world because you are taking control of yourself. It allows you to deal with difficult people and anger when it arises. It gives you the ability to cope with fear and anxiety, forgive people and stop labeling them. Free yourself from self-doubt and despair, stop feeling guilty, and let go of the past so you don't react to the moment from your past conditioning. It means you become proactive to allow your wisdom and common sense to make the change you want to see in the next moment.

Authentic power is a mechanism to access new habits to self-empowerment. This power must always include wisdom because without wisdom power is unwieldy and hard to handle. Wisdom is nothing more than having the discipline to do the right thing at the right time.

January 15, 2013 Happiness Newsletter

Celebrate Your Independence. Experience your freedom from external circumstances. Declare Your Freedom with the Happiness Decision. Life's complicated, happiness isn't

Be Happy Zone

Authentic Power!

By Lionel Ketchian

Access The Happiness Zone And Its Great Content: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=svx5mvcab&v=001rxOp_4aBK0prxjqTfv3vzev3vb7ov2q_i_bVEge6kytNKTM-xknm5_R-8Osm1SNBnGVtxH5MbYfSmzmUKxJiF6XBSDHIE9woWUtcKLrwg5b_PM4ZrtnVrw%3D%3D

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