Saturday, June 27, 2009

Goals: I’ve lost my purpose as an entrepreneur. Help! - Business news, business advice and information for Australian SMEs | SmartCompany

I’ve lost my purpose as an entrepreneur. Help! - Business news, business advice and information for Australian SMEs SmartCompany

Author: Timothy Sharp on 26 June 2009 >


In a recent coaching session with a successful entrepreneur and businessman, my client posed the following question - "I know what I'm trying to achieve but I'm not sure I really know why I want to achieve it. Can you help me?" >

Working with successful, competent and intelligent clients, this issue frequently raises its ugly head. Many of us have learned how to set goals but few of us really know how to derive meaning and purpose from what we do. Goal setting typically focuses on the ‘what' but in my executive coaching work, based very much in the domain of positive psychology, I also help people work out the ‘why', which is exactly what my client in this case was lacking.>

And why is this ‘why' so important?Because it's the ‘why' that provides the fuel to power the engine; it's the ‘why' that motivates action above and beyond the norm; it's the ‘why' that provides additional levels of satisfaction and happiness, joy and pride, contentment and other vitally important positive emotions. So how, then, do you find your ‘why'? >

Read full Article:
This posting was made my Jim Jacobs, President & CEO of Jacobs Executive Advisors. Jim also serves as Leader of Jacobs Advisors' Insurance Practice.

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