Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Secrets of the WORLD CLASS - Steve Seibold

Secrets of the WORLD CLASS
Steve Seibold

In this simple book published by Simple Truths in 2009, Steve discusses 26 secrets to turn mediocrity into greatness. There is no magic in the book, just practical thought processes, habits and philosophies drawn from some of the greatest performers in the world. All of the secrets have the power to catapult your results, regardless of how high you might be flying.

World-Class Wealth comes from World-Class Thinking. Here is an example of some of the differences between Middle & World-Class thinking. Decide for yourself what results YOU would prefer and adopt the appropriate way of thinking.

Middle-Class thinking
- Competes
- Loves to be comfortable
- Avoids risk - Lives in delusion
- Hungers for security
- Sacrifices growth for safety
- Focused on having
- Lottery mentality
- Slows down
- Frustrated
- Operates out of a fear & scarcity
- Pipedreams
- Denies intuition
- Trades time for money
- Problem oriented
- Victim
- Knows enough
- Language of FEAR
- Seeks riches
- See it before believe it
- Adversity equals pain

World-Class thinking
- Creates
- Comfortable being uncomfortable
- Manages risk
- Lives in objective reality
- Doesn’t believe security exists
- Sacrifices safety for growth
- Focused on being or becoming
- Abundance mentality
- Calms down
- Grateful- Operates out of love & abundance
- Vision
- Embraces intuition
- Trades ideas for money
- Solution oriented
- Responsible
- Eager to learn
- Language of LOVE
- Seeks wealth
- Believe it before see it
- Adversity is training grounds

Steve Siebold, CSP trains sales and management teams how to increase sales through his unique blend of mental toughness training. Salespeople learn how to control their thoughts, feelings, and attitudes before, during and after the sales presentation. Managers learn how become a mentally tough coach and leader with their sales representatives.
Steve Siebold speaks from real world experience as a former professional athlete, national coach, and international businessman. He began studying Mental Toughness Training as a world-class junior tennis player in the 1970’s.

*********************************************************************** This posting was made my Jim Jacobs, President & CEO of Jacobs Executive Advisors. Jim also serves as Leader of Jacobs Advisors' Insurance Practice.

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